靈修選讀 (gospel)

不要急衝 Don't Rush   /荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert  107

經文: 「你們中間誰是敬畏耶和華聽從祂僕人之話的。這人行在暗中,沒有亮光,當倚靠耶和華的名,仗賴自己的上帝。」(賽五十10)

在西方有一句格言說:「困惱的時候不要急衝。」這意思就是說:「你不知當做甚麼的時候,就當不做。」 要是前面有霧,就不該再向前航行。在必需的時候,還該拋下錨去。照樣,在黑暗苦悶的時候,我們不該再做甚麼。我們所要做的祇是......(詳全文)

In the West there is a saying that runs thus, "When you're rattled, don't rush"; in other words, "When you don't know what to do, don't do it."  When you run into a spiritual fog bank, don't tear ahead; slow down the machinery of your life. If necessary, anchor your bark or let it swing at its moorings.....(more)

在我裡面 In Me    /荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert  928

經文: 「在我裡面有平安。」(約十六33)


Paganini, the great violinist, came out before his audience one day and made the discovery just as they ended their applause that there was something wrong with his violin. He looked at it a second and then saw that it was not his famous and valuable one...... (more)

不能滿足 Nothing Satisfies   /荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert  826

經文: 「深淵說,不在我內。」(伯廿八14)


I remember a summer in which I said, "It is the ocean I need," and I went to the ocean; but it seemed to say, "It is not in me!" The ocean did not do for me what I thought it would. Then I said, "The mountains will rest me," and I went to the mountains ... (more)

祂仍舊  He Remains    /荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert  906

經文: 「祢卻仍舊在那裡。」(來一11,直譯)

許多時候,我們獨自坐在爐旁烤火,會感覺非常寂寞。望見空著的座位,常會禁不住掉下淚來... (詳全文)

There are always lone hearth-fires; so many! And those who sit beside them, with the empty chair, cannot restrain the tears that will come... (more)